
Hi Michael,

I found this experiment very useful. I WISH I could say it was successful. It’s a healthy diet. And I feel good on it.

Probably the hardest part for me was the information about not using medicated shampoos. I do know it is essential to keep your head clean and my dermatologist has told me to have a tow or three different brands in the shower and mix them up. I tried going with less of the medicated shampoo but that does not seem to work and it only got worse.

I have not been able to control my dermatitis not matter if I drastically change my diet or even with shampoos even with prescribed shampoos. There are times it is better than others but never truly goes away. I couldn’t be more frustrated. As the suggestion of a skin specialist, I have taken out gluten, dairy and eggs. I also pay close attention to your suggestions - which I will still try and incorporate. But I took those foods out months ago with little success.

The things I took away was to try and not focus too much on it. And the weak link I personally I had with study was trying to do any sort of meditation - that is on my list. I think it would be helpful.

I do hope all this info is comprised somewhere that I can go back to. I haven’t given up. But I would be lying if I did not say I get despondent about it. Mine is pretty severe.

Forever forward, Michael and thank you.

  • M.A.