
First Mike, your devotion to complete strangers I applaud. For certain, there are many of us who appreciate your serious efforts. You need to know that what you are doing is indeed worthwhile. I for one have copied, read, re-read and incorporated many of your concepts and ideas (making them a habit at this point is questionable!) Admittedly, there are too many to adopt in the limited time available week to week. My intention is to blend more of your suggestions into my way of life, but at a slower pace than allowed during these last six weeks. Ideas suggested way back in week one still need attention. Perhaps spreading the program out to a 2-3 week interval would have worked more effectively. Too much, too rapidly just piled up and now await for a more relaxed involvement and opportunity for further experimentation.

  1. A concentration on drinking water consistently throughout the day has been refreshing and helpful. Prior to the program I would simply guzzle water in the morning. Now I constantly sip water daily.
  2. Paying close attention to relieving stress could be one huge objective. I want to focus on this objective with meditation, exercise and yoga. I feel all my skin problems surround how I deal with stress. Everything else seems to fit into the stress profile.

  3. As mentioned above, I have yet to try some of the concepts advocated, i.e., flax seed oil, more fatty fish, concentration on raw vegetables, more unforced laughter in my life, less reliances on skin medicine, consideration toward my indoor environment (removing rugs!), use of carbonated water and baking soda, researching a better face cleanser and finding an effective shampoo, raw cabbage (really?!?), etc. As you can see, many of the objectives have piled up and now await my attention!

  4. I dare say some of the objectives were more heavily weighted in the scientific arena as opposed to being confusing. Dealing with skin pH demands a basic understanding of skin surface. The supplementary reading is excellent, but much too difficult to assimilate in one week before moving forward to new objectives.

  5. My skin compared to week 1 is tentative, flaring up and down given many factors. I have hit upon no "ah ha" moments where I can say an improvement of lasting duration has been achieved.

  6. If I integrated ALL of the objectives into my daily habits, I would be mystified! Impossible! Certainly not in the time allowed. This program could easily be a year long graduate course in a medical school. Ask me this question in another year, as I intend to slowly inch my way through the objections at my leisure when the bonus week ends. And yes, I do want the bonus Mike.

To sum up...Mike, do not give up. By far, your research is impeccable and worthy of recognition. No where can I find information related to SD as you continue to provide, Please, continue with your excellent work

Be well…Don McCabe

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