Glycemix Index

The glycemic index is the standard measurement system used to evaluate a given foods effect on blood sugar (glycemic response). It’s scale ranges from 0 to 100, with 100 being the effect of pure glucose.

An important component of this measurement system is that it measures the blood sugar response relative to the total amount of carbohydrate in the food. For example, if comparing two foods that have the same impact on blood sugar the one with the higher total carbohydrate content would have a lower GI index.

Most importantly, you don’t need to exclude all foods with a GI index to benefit, regular consumption of foods with a low GI can help sustain balance. Eating a food with a low GI has been shown to reduce the impact of your next meals impact on blood sugar, resulting in a more stable blood sugar levels (this phenomenon is referred to as the Second Meal effect) [pubby id=“2844076,16600933”]

Documented Benefits

In any case, studies suggest that a diet with a low glycemic load can have a positive influence on:

  • the fatty acid composition of the skin [pubby id="18178063,19168005"]
  • hormonal stability [pubby id="12428171"]
  • cognitive function [pubby id="24618754"] and stress resistance [pubby id="12428171"]

Foods with Low Glycemic Index

Foods with a GI lower than 55

  • Most fruits
  • Non-starchy vegetables
  • Sweet potato and yam
  • Peas, legumes and lentils
  • Oatmeal and oat bran

Foods with High Glycemic Index

Foods with a GI higher than 70

  • Commercial cereal (corn flakes, puffed rice, granola)
  • Wheat products*
  • Potatoes*
  • Melons

  • Glycemic index can be decreased based on preparation method

Additional Notes

  • A food's soluble fiber content has one of the most clear and significant influences on the food's impact on blood sugar levels [pubby id="11023137"]
  • Food processing and food storage have a strong impact on a food's glycemic index (more processing and more cooking increase GI)