
Apples provide a moderate serving of fruit sugar, have a fiber content and contain unique acids which can boost your metabolism. Apples are a significant part of the human diet worldwide and are one of the main source of fruit phenolics and flavonoids [pubby id=“15140261”].

Some of the most popular apple varieties include:

  • Granny smith
  • Pink lady
  • Golden delicious
  • Royal gala
  • Fuji
  • Jonagold
  • Honeycrisp

Documented Benefits:
Phytochemical extracts from the apple fruit have been shown to have potent antioxidant activity [pubby id=“10879522”] and the ability to inhibit cancer cell growth [pubby id=“12452674,17373813”].

Regular consumption of apples has been linked to:

  • Cancer prevention [pubby id="9247006"]
  • Reduced chance of cardiovascular disease [pubby id="8597679"]
  • Improved glucose tolerance and lower risk of diabetes [pubby id="20564476,12198000"]
  • Decreased chance of asthma and improve lung health [pubby id="12936923"]

Additional Notes:

  • Apples peels contain the highest concentration of compounds believed to be responsible for many of the benefits outlined above [pubby id="12537430"]
  • Raw apple diet has been used throughout Germany in the treatment of diarrheal conditions in children [pubby doi="10.1097/00007611-193412000-00012"]

Ideas for Integration:
Integrating apples into your diet is fairly straightforward. However, if your not used to eating this fruit, good times to eat can be in the morning, prior to lunch and prior to dinner. Having cues is a good way to build a new habit.