5 Proven Home Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis on the Scalp

Yes! Had SD under my eye. Used fresh garlic, undiluted, applied w/cotton swab, for 4 days and it is almost gone, I alternated evenings with straight apple cider vinegar to change the ph of my skin. Have a patch in my armpit and are trying only garlic there next, since the ph in garlic and acv are the same. Happy.

May Allah help you, ma’am and bring tranquility to your heart.

this failure is due to low immunity, which is caused by the stress you feel, food lacking vegs and fruits, lesser activity and emotional state.

Don’t lock yourself up at home, and try the honey, it might not be allergic if applied topically, and it also depends on its origin since some honey may contain traces of disinfectants blown on plants it takes honey from, so the issue is more related to the content not the honey nature itself.

As-salam Alaikom

Thank you, Michael!

My 12 yr old daughter is battle g this and its affecting her self esteem.

Hi how have you been using the 100% coconut oil on you scalp ?
& how many times a week & when?
& do you still use shampoo at all? Etc…

Thank you:)

Could you use regular honey? Or does it have to be raw? Where I live, even regular honey is quite expensive, let alone raw or New Zealand type honey I’ve heard of.

I’ve tried ACV and coconut oil. I recently read that coconut oil actually doesn’t let the skin breath that well.

Very nice to find a home remedies page in which the writer actually has tried the remedies and explains why they worked or didn’t and how to do them. You see so many phony and pushy pages about miracle cures and treatments when you look for at home remedies. So bravo. :slight_smile:

Out of all the remedies you mentioned, apple cider vinegar works best for me. However, I think you have left out a very successful treatment. Dead Sea salt and boiled hot water rubbed into the effected area for 30mins to an hour works a treat. It reduces the redness and scaley skin. The patches turn into dry skin and eventually fall off. I think it’s best to do before bed and leave your skin to moisturise itself during the night

Also, personally I have to avoid oil on effected areas as it feeds the yeast and makes it worse. Make sure you don’t use any products with alcohol in it as alcohol irritates the dermatitis and makes it worse. Thus cancelling out the treatments.


Great article. It can be great help for my skin issues. Can you please share your own treatment procedures with me?


Dead Sea salt never improved my SD.

I was able to clear up my symptoms completely by using the following recipe:

African Black Soap diluted with Aloe Vera juice and a few drops of tea tree oil. I have been clear of any flakes & severe itching for over a year. I use it to wash my hair and then use my regular shampoo afterwards.

I would recommend using it exclusively before trying anything else.

I would suggest you to consult a different dermatologist. in addition, try to ask doctor if he can refer you to get a skin biopsy. That way you can exactly know what it is.

I get this without fail, after a week of not shaving.
Bilateral itchy scaly patches appear on chin, top lip, eyebrows & scalp.
Usually get remission after a shave.
But also, something that works every time, even if no shave, is application of a 1:1 mixture of chlorhexidine digluconate 0.2% (bought as Corsodyl mouthwash in UK) combined with Isopropyl alcohol ,… after gently cleaning scaly area with a nail brush & soap.
Condition clears in a couple of days without fail.

When a problem is too difficult for you, give it to the Lord. He is able and willing to heal you.

LISTERINE!! The only thing that worked for me. I didn’t have the yellow one as suggested, only had mint in hand, but it works just fine. I also only use First Aid Ultra Repair Cream, the effective ingredient being colloidal oatmeal.

I have had SD for about 6 years now and same story as everyone. Went to numerous doctors with no luck. All prescribed Diffent types of ointments and shampoos and I would have no success. Stumbled upon this site and Tried the ACV on face and worked somewhat. But Baking Soda has cleared up my face SD all together in every patch I had. Brows, cheeks, nose, chin. I usually wet my face, pour some into one hand, wet my other hand and drop droplets with fingertips onto the baking soda. I repeat the droplets as needed until the baking soda becomes like a paste. Then I rub both hands and scrub gently onto face (I noticed that it can irritate skin if rubbed harshly). I also make sure that the dead skin is removed. After about a minute I rinse off. Done.

Sd can be very time consuming and affect self esteem. The baking soda not only worked 100% for me, but it also is a quick effective process. My scalp is a different story though lol. Still battling the good battle. Raw honey seems to work/mask it. Baking Soda works at times but it’s a process to really apply. Will try Sea Salt next or ocean/sea water. Best of luck to us all with this chronic condition.

Much love to the community

Hi Tara,
Could you please send me the exact proportions of the ingredients you used–how much aloe, how much soap? Thanks

After struggling with SD for about 4 years and like most of you given steroids or creams and ointments from the gp that never really worked I was looking for something more proven from people who suffer from it so am pleased to have found this website and forum
Personally I have found one thing that helps the itchy scalp and face which is head and shoulders itchy scalp which contains eucalyptus only this version worked ! Now it does help with the itching and prevents the flaky skin on the face if used regularly but I still have a red face and really effects my self confidence
I am going to try the baking soda option listed here and see if this helps and will update on my experience

I cured myself by using Lagicam which is used by women to cure vaginal fungus of all types. I just put it on my face for like an entire week and the seborrheic dermatitis is gone.

I’m 63 and have noticed two spots on my scalp. I’m unable to view them and am making an appointment, but I’m sure it’s seborrheic dermatitis. So far there are no symptoms; redness, itching. But I am interested natural remedies.