Sea Salt for Seborrheic Dermatitis - Treatment Guide and Research Summary

It should be noted that, in the world of culinary arts, it is a well known fact that salt retards the growth of yeast. This specifically applied to the understanding of how yeast works in a bread recipe. Adding salt slowed down the yeast production allowing the dough to have a longer resting time. Too much salt and you pretty much killed the little yeasties and the bread will come out like a brick. So I absolutely agree that using a salt soak can most certainly improve SD problems. I’ll be trying it myself tonight.

Ultimately these natural methods are promising for surface areas but these infections are deep under the surface of the skin. Into the follicle. 2 weeks of Fluconazole and 6 rounds of ivermectin are in order to clear up the infection and the parasites that feed on the oils of those with Seborrheic Dermatitis. The natural methods help to alleviate the effects of the symptoms. I.e baking soda and honey helps manage the acid/alkaline balance in the body and deeply cleanse the cells. So a full body scrub or mask is in order. As well as Dead Sea Salt and Baking Soda Soaks. These methods help to work with condition at hand. But ultimately you want to rid yourself of the infection in its entirety and follow these detoxifying methods to keep the infection from ever returning again. That’s why you see doctors recommend these Dead Sea Salt soaks in addition to prescribing medication. Just follow the prescription as advised and you’ll be find. Shampoo with the ketoconazole and apply the cream for 3 monthes. By then it’s in the root of your follicle and doing the underground prep work that you can’t see.